Features of R-U-Dead-Yet:
  • Support for cookies to maintain session persistence
  • Support for SOCKS proxies to mask the original attack IP.
You may also use Tor networks to hop from one IP address to the next while continuing the DoS attacks!

R-U-Dead-Yet works in one of two modes:
  1. Interactive menu mode
  2. Unattended configuration-based execution
It also supports the usage of SOCKS proxies to mask the attacker, and keeps session persistence using cookies! A small file – rudeadyet.conf controls some of its working.

R.U.D.Y requires the following includes to be present under the same directory:
  1. http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup
  2. http://socksipy.sourceforge.net
Example usage:

r-u-dead-yet.py URLDownload R-U-Dead-Yet v2.0 (R-U-Dead-Yet-v2.0.tar.gz) here